Mammals 포유류
ex: lion 사자, whale 고래, pig 돼지
- Squirrel
- Dog
- Chimpanzee
- Ox
- Lion
- Panda
- Walrus
- Otter
- Mouse
- Kangaroo
- Goat
- Horse
- Monkey
- Cow
- Koala
- Mole
- Elephant
- Leopard
- Hippopotamus
- Giraffe
- Fox
- Coyote
- Hedgehong
- Sheep
- Deer
Wild Animals 야생동물
- Giraffe
- Woodpecker
- Camel
- Starfish
- Koala
- Alligator
- Owl
- Tiger
- Bear
- Blue whale
- Coyote
- Chimpanzee
- Raccoon
- Lion
- Arctic wolf
- Crocodile
- Dolphin
- Elephant
- Squirrel
- Snake
- Kangaroo
- Hippopotamus
- Elk
- Fox
- Gorilla
- Bat
- Hare
- Toad
- Frog
- Deer
- Rat
- Badger
- Lizard
- Mole
- Hedgehog
- Otter
- Reindeer
Sea Animal 해양동물
- Crab
- Fish
- Seal
- Octopus
- Shark
- Seahorse
- Walrus
- Starfish
- Whale
- Penguin
- Jellyfish
- Squid
- Lobster
- Pelican
- Clams
- Seagull
- Dolphin
- Shells
- Sea urchin
- Cormorant
- Otter
- Pelican
- Sea anemone
- Sea turtle
- Sea lion
- Coral
Birds 조류
ex: eagle 독수리, pigeon 비둘기, woodpecker 딱따구리
- Crow 까마귀
- Peacock 공작
- Dove 비둘기
- Sparrow 참새
- Goose 거위
- Stork 황새
- Pigeon 비둘기
- Turkey 칠면조
- Hawk 매
- Bald eagle 대머리 독수리
- Raven 갈가마귀
- Parrot 앵무새
- Flamingo 플라밍고
- Seagull 갈매기
- Ostrich 타조
- Swallow 제비
- Blackbird 찌르레기
- Penguin 펭귄
- Robin 개똥지빠귀
- Swan 백조
- Owl 올빼미
- Woodpecker 딱따구리
Reptiles 파충류
ex: crocodile 악어, snake 뱀, turtle 거북이
Amphibians 양서류
ex: frog 개구리, salamander 도룡뇽, toad 두꺼비
Fish 어류
ex: mackerel 고등어, shark 상어, eel 장어
Insects 곤충
ex: bee 벌, ant 개미, butterfly 나비
Pets 애완동물
ex: dog, puppy, turtle, rabbit, parrot, cat, kitten, goldfish, mouse, tropical fish, hamster
Farm Animal 가축
- Cow
- Rabbit
- Ducks
- Shrimp
- Pig
- Goat
- Crab
- Deer
- Bee
- Sheep
- Fish
- Turkey
- Dove
- Chicken
- Horse
What features do Animals have?
Animals don't make food by themselves.
Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and insects are animals.
Mammals have hair or fur.
Birds have feathers, wings, and beaks.
Some reptiles have dry skin or shells.
Most amphibians have smooth and damp skin.
Fish can swim with fins.
Insects have three body parts and six legs.
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