
영어 첨삭 예시

insight_knowledge 2020. 7. 2. 14:12

안녕하세요 지식마블입니다.

영어첨삭 예시보여드려요

Q> If your friend was always throwing garbage on the ground, how would you handle it?

A> I would talk to my friend and ask the friend why he/she always throw garbage on the ground. And I would explain to the friend that your behavior will bother other people and be very irresponsible for the environment. I will try to persuade the friend not to litter on the ground but if the friend doesn't listen to my word, I will not talk to him about it anymore.

사실 위의 답변은 상당히 잘 작성된 답변이라고 볼 수 있겠습니다. 크게 흠잡을 데가 없구요, 

다만 아래와 같이 첨석하였습니다. 

첨삭한 내용>

I would talk to my friend and ask the friend (불필요한 내용임) why he/she always throws (주어와 수일치)garbage on the ground.
And I would explain to the my friend that your his/her behavior will bother other people and be very irresponsible for the environment.
I will try to persuade the my friend not to litter on the ground but if the friend he/she doesn't listen to my word, I will not talk to him about it anymore.

더 많은 영어표현 배우시려면 저의 유튜브 채널 (아래 링크) 꼭 구독해주세요 ^^

