
맨땅에 헤딩하다 영어로는 start from scratch

insight_knowledge 2020. 1. 22. 18:33

안녕하세요 지식마블입니다. 

맨 땅에 헤딩하다를 영어로 뭐라고 할까요? 

바로 start from scratch 입니다. 

다른 블로그나 혹자는 beat one's head against the wall 이라는 표현을 소개하던데, 

그건 뭔가..그 특정 상황에서만 통용될 거 같습니다. 

왜냐하면, 여러분이 외국인에게 직접 저 표현을 써보시면 압니다. 

예를 들어, 여러분을 신사업 개발 담당자라고 소개하면서, 이표현을 쓰시면 이런 반응이 나올겁니다. 

나: I am in charge of business development in the company.

외국인: Wow that’s nice 

나: I am beating my head against the wall all the time.   (맨땅에 헤당한다는 의미를 표현하고자 했으나...)

외국인: Ohhh because of all the stress. Wow your funny  (돌아오는 외국인 반응은, 너 스트레스 때문에 그렇구나! 라고 오죠 -_-;;)

나: I mean, I am always starting from scratch.  (<--- 이게 올바른 표현이죠)

외국인: Ohhh ok lol   (이제서야 이해하는 외국인)

여러분. 따라서, 나 맨땅에 헤딩한다고 말하고 싶을 땐~!! 

Start from scratch 를 쓰시기 바랍니다~! 

아래는 참고로 이 표현의 기원을 설명한 글입니다. 

To start from scratch is to begin from the beginning, to set out on some action or process without any prior preparation, knowledge or advantage.

Scratch has been known since the middle of the eighteenth century as a sporting term for a line scratched on the ground that acted as a boundary line or starting point. The first example in the Oxford English Dictionary actually relates to cricket and indicated the crease, the line drawn in front of the stumps where the batsman stands. But the term is much better known from boxing, or rather from bare-knuckle fighting, in reference to the line drawn across the ring to which the boxers are brought to begin their bout. This gave rise to expressions like to be up to scratch, to meet the required standard in something.

Your phrase appeared a century later, by which time scratch had also came to mean the starting line for a race. Competitors who began from this line had the least favourable handicap and so were given no advantage. To start from scratch meant you had been allowed no odds in your favour. It has been generalised from that.
