hit the market 출시되다
안녕하세요 지식마블입니다.
오늘도 짧은 영어기사 함께 보시면서, 여러 표현들 배워보도록 하겠습니다.
The first treatment for peanut allergies is about to hit the market, a big step toward better care for all kinds of food allergies -- but still a long way from a cure.
Friday’s approval by the Food and Drug Administration promises to bring some relief to families who’ve lived in fear of an accidental bite of peanuts at birthday parties and play dates, school cafeterias and restaurants. Named Palforzia, it was developed by Aimmune Therapeutics.
기사 읽어보셨나요?
자 그럼 알아야할 표현들 배워봅시다.
The first treatment for peanut allergies is about to hit the market.
땅콩 알레르기에 대한 첫번째 치료제가 이제 곧 출시될 예정이다.
hit the market 은 '출시되다' 라는 말입니다.
be brought to the market, will be available 라는 표현으로 바꿔쓸 수도 있겠습니다.
a big step toward better care for all kinds of food allergies -- but still a long way from a cure.
* a big step 진일보
* still a long way 갈 길이 멀다
Friday’s approval by the Food and Drug Administration promises to bring some relief to families
FDA의 금요일 승인은 가족들에게 약간의 안도감을 보장한다
* bring relief to somebody ~에게 안도감을 주다, 위안을 가져다주다, 한숨을 돌리게 되다
families who’ve lived in fear of an accidental bite of peanuts at birthday parties and play dates, school cafeterias and restaurants.
* in fear of ~의 두려움이 있는
도움이 되셨길 바라며~ 빠이~!